Let's have a fun together!
All activities are free of charge.

Register for the events that will take place from June 11 to 19th.

These events are for the entertainment and recreation of the players and accompanying persons, please fill out the form (NOTE: Please write the correct number of people so that we can properly prepare the right number of vehicles)

Thank you very much
We look forward to seeing you, friends.
Your status
Trip to the high-mountain Shymbulak Ski Resort
We remind you that you can go only once, so there may be seats for June 18.

Transfer Schedule!
Holiday inn:
3:10 p.m. arrival / 3:30 p.m. departure

Best Western:
15:00 arrival / 15:20 departure

Ramada and Regardal:
arrival 15:15 / 15:35 departure

Boarding at the stadium and departure: 15:50-16:00

Please give others the opportunity to visit if you have already been on the June 17 tour!